vacation rentals owners

For owners

“In 2024, if you’re not getting at least 50-75% of guests by direct-booking, you’re leaving a LOT of money on the table

What we offer St. Croix property owners

We can help you:

1. Double your net profit: the typical yield on a vacation property is around 8%. So the math here is obvious: keeping the 8% VRBO charges doubles your yield. Now for the worst part . . . . VRBO also charges your guests an additional 12-17% (14.7% on average across all St. Croix vacation rentals in our analysis).

That a whopping 23% booking middlemen are taking from you & your guests! And if you think Airbnb is any better, think again: Airbnb openly brags that they charge 20% in fees. That’s why they have a $90 billion market cap. On your money.

So eliminating booking middlemen is obviously the fastest way to increase profits. What are you waiting for?

2. More control: with direct bookings, YOU own the customer relationship, not the booking middleman. YOU set your terms and can customize if necessary. This increases guest satisfaction, review ratings, and repeat business.

3. Stay competitive: the vacation rental business is highly-competitive. If you / your guests are paying middlemen 23% more while others direct-book, you’re losing business. It’s that simple. Don’t get left behind with uncompetitive pricing as other STX owners move to direct-booking.

4. Create your unique brand: direct bookings also increase guest loyalty. Guests appreciate your personal touch that big corporate booking sites can’t offer. This enhances the guest experience which is proven to increase repeat business. Plus guests are no fools; they know they’re saving a lot by booking directly with you, so they’re more likely to return and tell friends.

5. Gain a new marketing channel — for FREE: listing here doesn’t interfere with your current marketing strategy; it’s simply another channel, but one that is free and drives higher-margin bookings directly to your property. Hard to lose here.

Are you a passive investor with STX properties and don’t want to bother with bookings, payments, etc? No problem, we’ll work with your current property manager to boost your bottom line.

What we offer St. Croix property managers

Listing with us & driving more direct bookings will help you:

1. Make more money: as noted above, there’s up to 23% more money on the table with direct bookings. Negotiate with your property owners to keep part of that.

2. Stay relevant: owners want property managers who maximize their net yield. Many see that direct bookings are exploding (up from only 3% in 2017 to 21% in 2021). So if you’re still giving away half their profit in 2024 to middlemen, they may replace you. Use this platform instead to increase profits and demonstrate your ongoing value.

3. Grow your business: connect with new owners through this platform and grow your PM business. If you provide quality on-island PM services in St. Croix, St Thomas or St. John, get in touch with us or consider placing an advert.

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